Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Conclusion on My Web Blog

After long period of time, I ended up with my web blog because this web blog was created as part of "Regulations and standards for wireless communication" course at TU/e and we are at the end of writing period. While I have been writing on my web blog, I always tried to go from general to subjective because I believe it simplifies the understanding. I started writing with technical details which could be thought quite boring but I believe that I did not give any extra and vague information. Then I gave overview on ZigBee Alliance and ZigBee Health Care and then continued with deeper information on them. I used different terminology such as AES 128 etc but I gave small information on them to better understanding of post. Also, I tried to explain development of standard, strong sides of ZigBee Health Care compare to others which is the most crucial and enjoyable part for me. Finally, I evaluated market opportunities of ZigBee Health Care and my future expectations.

I believe I gave enough information on my web blog. I am not specialist and it was my first experience on that topic. I tried to combine knowledge thought in the class and my research through articles and internet. I hope I did not mess up :) I learned lot from this experience and I hope that someone also can enjoy and learn while reading. At this point, unfortunately I don't have any followers except prof dr. Jan Smith but I will force my friends to follow my blog :)

If you have any questions and comments about anything, please feel free to contact...

1 comment:

  1. I like the way on how you put up your blogs. Wonderful and awesome. Hope to read more post from you in the future. Goodluck. Happy blogging!

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