Wednesday, June 8, 2011

ZigBee Health Care

Firstly, the aim of designing ZigBee Healt Care is usage by assistive devices operating in non – invasive health care. In order to reach this aim ZigBee Alliance has been focused on healthcare space. Also, it allows sharing data between medical and non-medical devices as industry wide standard.

Public application profiles could be thought as message formats and agreements of messages, also processing actions which result in creating interoperable and distributed application entities residing on separate devices. Over ZigBee network, commands can be sent, data and process commands could be requested.
ZDO represents the ZigBee Device Object which is a predefined base class of functionality. The best thing is that it gives an interface between ZigBee health care profile and APS (application support sub-layer). All operations in a ZigBee protocol stack has been satisfied. In addition, it is also helps initializing the APS, NWK (network layer) and security service provider.
In the Figure posted below, Application (APL) layer is shown. The areas in blue are based on the ZigBee specification and shows ZigBee health care definitions, Device specializations are defined by IEEE which includes IEEE 11073 specialization for point of care medical device communication. R-11073 also known as the 11073-20601 standard is one of the standards of IEEE 11073 and it is a transport independent, optimized exchange protocol. Three methods are provided by this method:

1.       Logical connections between devices are established.
2.       The capabilities of devices are presented.
3.       Communication needs are serviced.
And ISO/IEEE 11073 are completely supported by ZigBee Health Care which also supports all device specializations for instance blood pressure monitor, pulse monitor and oximeter or glucose meter etc.
 This Figure is taken from ZigBee Alliance website. For people who are interested, the website is

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